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Macmillan Cancer Support Fundraiser
As some of you may know, both my parents have suffered with oesophageal cancer.
My mother passed away from it in 2015. At my dad’s recent diagnosis, the consultant suggested would only survive12-18 months and his condition is inoperable, although he will be having treatment which could extend this timescale.
I would like to raise funds to help the amazing work being done by the Macmillan Cancer Support teams.
I have done no exercise since leaving school, but intending to run 5K on Sunday 28th January and would be very grateful if you would sponsor me to do this. I would be happy for you to come and witness the event, even though I'm sure it will not be a pretty sight!
Start is from the SVRA Club at 11am, and finishes there 5k later!
Please donate vis the Gofundme link below.